Visita Walter Pack nergroup

nergroup makes the step up to international scene

The nergroup management model, where Walter Pack is involved, makes the step up to international scene

09 de marzo de 2022

The New Relationship Style in which WALTER PACK is involved has crossed our borders for the first time and has made a qualitative leap onto the international scene. About thirty people from Lithuania and belonging to different areas of the company (owners, managers and technical staff) have visited Euskadi to learn the results offered by the set of practices that make up nergroup and how to undertake a transition from a conventional business model. 

Social economy and participatory model

The company members, who are part of sectors such as food, commerce, education, industry and engineering, environment and sustainability or health, among others, have expressed their interest in values such as Social Economy, the inclusive participatory business model and fair and sustainable Human Development, which define the character of nergroup. Since 2010, the New Relationship Style has brought together several companies and cooperatives to overcome the traditional concept of business management with the aim of operating under the parameters of fair and sustainable human development. Today, nergroup is made up of more than 2,000 people who share a series of ethical values of transparency, communication, trust, self-management, freedom, responsibility, joint decisions, vision and solidarity.

Visiting nergroup companies

The visit of the Lithuanian delegation not only ended with a meeting with WALTER PACK managers at our headquarters in Igorre (Bizkaia), but also with representatives of other nergroup companies such as LANCOR, in Abanto-Zierbena (Bizkaia), LOGOS Coop, in Zaldibia (Gipuzkoa), and PANELFISA, in Tolosa (Gipuzkoa), with whom he had an enriching exchange of opinions about the results offered by the cooperation formulas that have positioned us as a labor and social reference. All the participants shared the reflections that arose during the working days in ICAZA’s “Espacio Amigo”.

Social commitment

Throughout their visit, the business representatives held various meetings with coordination teams in other nergroup organizations, such as ARRECHE, ESTUDIO k, GRIP-ON, ICAZA, TREBEKI and ZUBIOLA, and participated in a meeting with Atzio Orexa, coordinator of the Social Commitment area of nergroup, who presented the philosophy and activities of the Association around a common purpose: “We care, learn and evolve committed to people and society”. 

First international experience

Although the set of practices that integrate the New Relationship Style had already aroused considerable interest among companies in our environment, the visit made by the group of professionals from Lithuania to Euskadi is the first international one, and shows the attractiveness and benefits provided by this work model, in which WALTER PACK actively participates.

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