By incorporating additional inserts, we integrate electronic functions into the plastic parts, making our parts a HMI (Human Machine Interface) solution capable of optimising assembly and costs. From capacitive sensors, sensitive sensors, antennas and hybridisation of components.
Materials & Coatings
Our R+D+i department looks for new materials and finishes to shape the innovative ideas provided by our C&T department, in accordance with market trends and our customers' needs.
New films
The search for new systems to give colour and texture to our parts means that we are constantly studying new systems for printing textures and finishes with the latest technologies. Digital printing combined with screen printing, film printing for the production of parts with IMD, etc.
We apply innovation transversally to all our processes to achieve a unique user experience.
Our goal is not just to create functional design parts, but also to inspire emotions and stimulate the senses.
We want to respond to the human desire for maximum performance with comfort, style and connectivity.
We integrate the latest technological advances in our components to offer the market futuristic and trend-setting solutions.
Applied innovation
We have been working with Europe’s leading technology centres for many years. In 2020 we tackled three European Horizon 2020 projects related to plastronics and customised decoration, which has allowed us to launch innovative business lines in competitive sectors such as the automotive industry. At Walter Pack we believe that future products will be shaped by today’s R&D efforts. That is why we spend more than 3% of our turnover on research and development.
Ministry of Industry, Economy and Competitiveness
Record no: IC4-060000-2017-3
Project title: Haptic human-machine interfaces with embedded electronics in car control panels.
Regional governments
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