Exploring sustainable materials for Home Appliances

Sustainability is playing an increasingly significant role in industrial production. Its importance has now reached a level similar to other fundamental aspects such as growth and safety. Leading brands are now blending their quest for efficiency in household appliances with the incorporation of eco-friendly materials in their production processes.

This challenge has led major brands, suppliers, and original design manufacturers like Walter Pack to invest their efforts in researching and developing cleaner production methods. They are actively exploring sustainable components and materials.

What are sustainable materials?

Sustainable materials are those considered environmentally friendly, meaning they are naturally sourced, biodegradable, recyclable, and free from toxic elements, among other qualities. The use of such materials offers clear advantages that can be summarized in two key points: the reduction of the carbon footprint, which is the amount of greenhouse gases generated and released into the atmosphere, and a significant decrease in waste production. According to UN data, nearly 50 million tonnes of electronic waste are produced globally each year, a number that could double by 2050, with a recycling rate of less than 20%. This is why the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals for 2030 aim to reduce waste generation in any production process and increase the prevention, reduction, recycling, and reutilization of materials.

New manufacturing processes

To minimize waste generation and promote sustainable industrial production, leading figures in the home appliance industry have begun implementing processes and using materials that reduce environmental impact, lower energy consumption, and encourage component recycling. These measures include the adoption of eco-friendly materials, specifically recycled, durable, and sustainable materials, to reduce their environmental footprint. Additionally, the use of LED lighting is favored for its efficiency, reduced energy consumption, and extended lamp lifespan. Manufacturers are increasingly turning to modular designs, allowing for the independent disassembly of parts to facilitate component recycling.

The ecodesign trend

However, in the realm of research, certain suppliers and original equipment manufacturers like Walter Pack are already actively engaged in developing innovative solutions to progress towards sustainable production. Specifically, Walter Pack has embarked on producing components under the concept of eco-design. This process incorporates sustainable production criteria from the very inception of a component, all the way through its final use, recycling, and reutilization stages.

New projects

As a result of this commitment, Walter Pack has been actively involved in two projects focused on plastic recycling and reutilization for some time now. On one hand, the Basque company is researching ways to reuse the waste it generates by recycling plastic and crafting new components. On the other hand, it is exploring the development of plastronic components using recycled materials that are fully disassemblable, aiming to achieve full utilization of all components at the end of their lifespan.

These R&D initiatives represent just a glimpse of Walter Pack’s dedication to implementing new sustainable processes and materials, ensuring that the solutions provided to its customers are increasingly environmentally friendly.

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