New solidarity action in favour of diversity in the school environment by NER Group

The commitment to diversity and inclusion are two of the pillars on which the activity of Walter Pack and the other organizations that are part of NER Group pivots. To make these values visible, the organizations involved have organized a solidarity event in the Barcelona municipality of Montcada I Reixac to raise funds to promote the educational inclusion of all children and young people in the borough.

Diversity and inclusion in the Catalan community

This initiative, which was inspired by the celebration of International Autism Day on April 2, has been promoted by Walter Pack Barcelona and supported by the Association of Families of Students (AFAS) of the Catalan municipality with a specific purpose: to support diversity and help all people, especially the youngest, to participate in the life of the municipality regardless of their abilities and skills. This commitment in favour of diversity translates into the contribution of economic resources and collaboration with the necessary educational centers.

To carry out this initiative, the AFAS, in collaboration with NER Group, have organized a solidarity event full ofvactivities to be held on April 13, 14, 15 and 16. The money raised during these days will be invested in the school canteens of the centers of the neighbourhood to meet the diversity needs of students, such as hiring support monitors.

A week of festivities: workshops, round-tables discussions, and a solidarity race

The festive days will start on Thursday 13 with a pictogram workshop organized by the Center ADIMIR and will conclude on Sunday with a race for diversity of 3 kilometers. On Friday the municipality will host a round table for autistic people to discuss in first person about their experience, while on Saturday there will be a training day aimed at families and professionals who will address the accompaniment in communication and language in the autistic spectrum during childhood and adolescence. Already in the afternoon the Municipal Theater will be the scene of the theatrical performance “The curious incident of the dog at midnight”, by the company TEA345, ADIMIR puts babysitting service.

Throughout these days, NER Group volunteers will collaborate to organize the different events and during Sunday’s race they will oversee establishing and regulating street closures and providing support to people who need help.

The commitment to diversity and social inclusion in all its variants is one of the NER Group’s areas of action to which Walter Pack is committed. Over the last few years, the organizations involved have supported more than 4,000 people in 200 solidarity projects and raised more than 2 million euros in fields such as social exclusion, sustainability and the environment, education, human rights, and health.

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