The values
of solidarity and social commitment that inspire the New Style of Relationships in which Walter Pack is involved have driven, together with Fundación Diabetes Cero, Swimdiabetes Solidaria, an initiative to raise awareness in society
about the need to promote research into type 1 diabetes in children.
It is one of the most common chronic childhood diseases that, although it can be controlled, is currently incurable and forces thousands of families to live with the hard daily habit of injecting insulin, counting carbohydrates or controlling the level of glucose in the blood.
To give
visibility to this disease, which affects around 90,000 people in our
environment, Walter Pack and other organizations affiliated to NER Group
participated in the second edition of this solidarity swim, which was held in
Badalona with spectacular results: more than 150 swimmers, around 400 people
attending the event and a collection of 22,000 euros, destined to the research
of a cure for the disease.
The second
edition of Swimdiabetes consisted of a one-mile (just over 1.5 kilometers) open
sea swim between Espai Mar and the famous Pont del Petroli (Oil Bridge). In
this edition, the organizers incorporated the SwimKids category, aimed at the
youngest swimmers, who had the opportunity to swim courses of up to 250 meters.
NER Group’s volunteer staff participated in the crossing and was in charge of carrying out organizational tasks related to the registration of participants, provisioning and other tasks to help people attending the event.
Since 2010,
the New Relationship Style has brought together various companies and
cooperatives to replace the traditional concept of business management with
work based on parameters of fair and sustainable human development. Currently,
NER Group is made up of more than 2,000 people who share a series of ethical
values, transparency, communication, trust, self-management, freedom,
responsibility, joint decisions, vision of the future and solidarity.